Journalistic work in South America
Economics studies at the University of Bonn (among others with Prof. Dr. Selten, pioneer in game theorie / experimental / behavioral economics and winner of the Nobel Prize in economics), Degree: Diplom-Volkswirt (equivalent to a Master’s in Economics)
AIESEC Internship with Spanish bank (Malaga/Antequera), working in the Accounting Department handling transactions with the Spanish Central Bank
University of California / Berkeley: „Financing the software venture“, further post graduate professional education at the Bergische University of Wuppertal (asset management, investment banking) and Stanford University (new technologies, financing, entrepreneuership)
Publications in the Rudolf Haufe Verlag
SME Consultant with European Info Center GEBI-mbH in Bonn (subsidiary of DG-Bank and V&R-Banken)
Six years corporate finance and international business consultant with EUTELIS Consult (joint venture including France Telecom, Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Bank)
Several projects for the European commission
More than 15 years independent business consultant, corporate finance and investment advisor.
Founder’s shareholder with TechDax-Company (renewable energy)
Several tenbaggers for advised investors, early risk alerts to potential bankruptcies in the banking sector (Feb. 2007), early warnings of investment bubbles in sectors like: biofuels, biogas, photovoltaic, i.e. early warnings of wirecard (since 2013),
Multiple Reports and Tips related to organized crime and financial crimes
Germany, Switzerland, Spain, USA, China
German, English, Spanish, French (Basics)